Short Date Promotion
Take advantage of exceptional discounts on a selection of quality products whose expiration date is approaching. Save money while helping to reduce food waste. Don't miss these exclusive offers, available in limited quantities!
Original price €2,80Current price €2,52| /
Imuraya - Yokan jelly of sweet red bean paste 83g DDM 29/01/2025
IMURAYASweet red bean paste jelly A mizuyokan in the shape of a cup with the flavor of Azuki, not very sweet and the smooth texture. The fre...
View full detailsOriginal price €2,80Current price €2,52| /Save 10% -
Original price €3,05Current price €2,44| /
Sugimotoya - Yokan Ogura 150g DDM 31/01/2025
SUGIMOTOYAAzuki Bean Yokan “Atsugiri Yokan ogura” Yokan is a delicious Japanese pastry that embodies both tradition and refinement. It is tradi...
View full detailsOriginal price €3,05Current price €2,44| /Save 20%
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